Municipality News

Martyrs Judi Cultural & Sports Complex inaugurated in Qom

The Martyrs Judi Cultural and Sports Complex was inaugurated following a series of urban projects’ inaugurations by the Qom Municipality.

The opening ceremony was held in the presence of the governor, the mayor of Qom, members of the Qom Islamic City Council, and a group of provincial and city officials in the fifth district of Qom municipality coincided with the Ten-Day Dawn celebrations of the Islamic Revolution victory.

The construction of Martyrs Judi Cultural and Sports Complex has been started in 2018 in Ghaem town (AS) and in less privileged areas, especially near the deprived neighborhood of Ismailabad, with a base of 2,500 square meters, and this landmark project was officially put into operation today on Sunday.

Martyrs Judi Cultural and Sports Complex is a standard complex with modern cultural and sports infrastructure enjoying multi-purpose playgrounds, spectator platform, and administrative section.

It can help the province in hosting national events in addition to providing a playground for teenagers while increasing citizens’ social vitality.

In another relevant development, 52 new city buses officially entered the public transport fleet of Qom Municipality today.

52 city buses with a credit of 3,300 billion Rials and enjoying Euro 4 pollution standard, ventilation systems and equipped with the electronic system “Qom Card” were provided to the citizens of Qom from today on Sunday.