Municipality News

Reducing the dependence of Qom municipality on non-native products with the cooperation of startups

The CEO of Qom Municipality’s Information and Communication Technology Organization said: Cooperation with the productions of Qom’s knowledge-based and academic companies has reduced the city of Qom’s dependence on foreign and even non-native products.

Referring to the holding of the first technological event of urban management and citizenship culture in the University of Qom, Ali Momen Hijazi said: The purpose of this event is to familiarize with the ideas of the young generation and startup companies, so that we can use this capacity in the field of urban management issues.

He stated that Qom Municipality is receptive to the ideas of young people in various areas such as urban, technical and civil services, transportation and culture, and added: This information technology event was well received by students and by using this capacity, we can move towards production. The product moved.

CEO of Qom Municipality’s Information and Communication Technology Organization said: Currently, the relationship between the municipality and the industry and universities is very tight, and the desire of the municipal managers to use new and academic ideas shows this fact.

Momen Hijazi, pointing out that the cooperation between Qom Municipality and the University is a positive step for making the city smart, added: “Today’s world movement is based on technology, and the role of the University in developing the frontiers of knowledge and technology cannot be denied.”

He continued: The purpose of holding such events is to be able to recognize the specialized capacities and, in a mutual way, the companies that are active in the field of producing numerous information technology products are also aware of the needs of the municipality.

The CEO of Qom Municipality’s Information and Communication Technology Organization expressed: holding such an event can help to find out about the level of needs and capacities of the university, academic and municipal collections; As a result of this, firstly, the dependence on foreign products will be reduced, and secondly, the level of dependence on non-native companies will also decrease.

Momen Hijazi said: The presence of startups in this event and the relationship established with them will increase this cooperation and create an all-round and growing interaction.

He stated: Considering that this is the first time that such an event is being held, it is hoped that this event will be held every year by creating the necessary grounds and that all those who like to help the city management will enter the field.