Municipality News

Qom Municipality removes paper bills

Director General of Recognition and Revenue Collection of Qom Municipality has announced that the municipality has stopped issuing paper bills and switch to electronic billing.

Instead of issuing paper bills, text messages would be sent to citizens, said Mohammad Vahidnia in an interview with reporters.

Referring to the implementation of a plan to stop issuing paper toll bills, Vahidnia stated that the plan has been started by the General Revenue Office of Qom Municipality in cooperation with the ICT and Automation Organization of the Deputy of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Municipality.

Like water and electricity bills, renovation and urban development bills will also be sent to the landlords via SMS, he added.

He went on to say that the plan to stop issuing paper bills for renovation and urban development charges has various benefits, including saving the cost of issuing and distributing bills, developing the electronic city, and protecting the environment.

Recently, the municipality of Qom has adopted environment-friendly policies in order to step towards green management, the recent move has been done in this regard.