Municipality News

Urban management experts should be involved in revising municipalities’ law

The head of the Program and Budget Commission of the Islamic City Council of Qom says urban management experts should be involved in the approval and revision of the law on sustainable incomes of municipalities and prevent the creation of big challenges.

Hossein Saberi made the remarks at the 59th official and public meeting of the Qom Islamic City Council which was held in the meeting hall of Shahid Bakri building of the city council.

Referring to the approval of the municipalities’ new sustainable income law, he stated, “Unfortunately, this law does not provide the interests of the city and the people in the field of urban management and causes financial problems to the municipalities.”

Expressing his regret over the non-participation of municipalities in the process of approving this law, he added, ”

Due to the non-participation of municipalities and experts in the process of approving this law, regardless of the weaknesses and problems, this law was approved in the parliament and the representatives did not have a positive view towards it.”

Municipalities and experts should enter into this issue and fix the weak points of the new law and the plan being approved, he concluded.