Municipality News

10 citizenship plans for development of urban green space unveiled

10 tree planting and green space development projects of Qom Municipality were unveiled in the Islamic City Council of Qom on Monday.

Concurrently with the week of natural resources and the day of tree planting, 10 projects on the subject of development and maintenance of green space with a focus on citizens were unveiled in the 30th official and public meeting of the Islamic City Council of Qom.

These 10 projects, which are designed for all walks of life and without age limitation, will be implemented in the city for one year, and the winners will be awarded prizes, certificates.

It should be noted that the “Plant Friendship Tree” campaign is being held in Qom for the fifth year. This campaign has been initiated by the Parks and Green Space Organization of Qom Municipality in 2017 and further the Organization of Municipalities and Villages of the Ministry of Interior required all municipalities to hold this event.

March 6, is the National Tree Planting Day (Arbor Day) and marks the start of the National Week of Natural Resources (March 6-13).