Municipality News

Deputy transportation directly answers citizens’ questions in Qom’s terminal 137

Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Qom Municipality directly answered the citizens’ questions while attending the municipality’s public communication system of 137.

Today, Massoud Tabibi answered the questions and demands of the people by attending the 137 communication center, and participating in the fifth phase of the plan entitled “Demanding Citizen, Responsible Manager”.

The Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Qom Municipality was present in the 137 center from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and answered 31 phone calls from citizens, most of which were related to escalator, road signs, public transportation, and installation of traffic lights.

The “Demanding Citizen, Responsible Manager” project, the fifth phase of which started coincident with Communication and Public Relations Day, has enabled direct communication between city managers and citizens.

Every Wednesday from 10 to 12 o’clock, citizens can make phone calls to the public communication system of 137 Qom Municipality and raise their demands with the managers.

It should be noted that all calls are followed up directly and the citizens are answered.