Municipality News

Ardabili cyclist visits Qom municipal official

An Ardabil cyclist and tourist, as the ambassador of peace and friendship, met the acting head of transportation and traffic deputy of Qom Municipality on Monday.

Visiting Keramat Aziz Zadeh, the Ardabili cyclist, Masoud Tabibi wished him success and stressed the need to build a clean city and encourage people to use bicycles and clean transportation.

Providing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists is one of the most important programs of the municipality of Qom, Tabibi said.

Aziz Zadeh also appreciated Qom Municipality’s measures to improve the city, calling for the development of bicycle paths.

It is worth mentioning that the Ardabil cyclist and tourist is going to ride in a cultural and sports movement in more than 15 provinces, with the slogan of “healthy environment, sport is the enemy of addiction”.

Previously, the Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Qom Municipality highlighted the need to encourage citizens to use bicycles instead of cars.

In addition to developing the culture of using bicycles, special attention should be paid to construct bicycle paths in urban planning so that people can ride bicycles in a safe way, Abbas Zakerian noted.

In this regard, more than 180 km of special bicycle route has been built at Shahid Sadoughi Street, he added.