Municipality News

5 five-star hotels to be built in Qom: City Council spox

The Spokesman of Qom City Council has announced that some investment plans will be carried out for the construction of 5 five-star hotels in Qom.

Mohsen Mohareri made the remarks in the fourteenth public meeting of Qom City Council which was held on Monday.

Stressing the significance of investment projects for the city’s development, Mohareri referred to a construction project that will soon be inaugurated in the Great Prophet (PBUH) Boulevard.

3 five-star hotels are being constructed in the Great Prophet (PBUH) Boulevard and two others in Ammar Yaser Street and Amin Boulevard, he noted.

He also touched upon the city’s shortages in terms of accommodation spaces, calling for the authorities to make an effort to improve the situation.

Otherwise, as the Coronavirus restrictions ease, the city of Qom will face infrastructural problems in this regard, the city council spokesman added.

Earlier, the head of investment affairs of Qom Municipality had elaborated on Qom municipality’s measures in the field of investment, saying the Municipality has always sought to generate a stable income and economy and further the city’s development by attracting domestic and foreign investments.

Mohammad Reza Marefat also touched upon the attraction of 23,000 billion rials of investment in the city of Qom and reiterated that despite the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the sanctions imposed on the investment sector, urban management has performed well in the field of investment.