Municipality News

Qom city enjoys smart intersections: Municipality official

The Qom Municipality Transportation and Traffic Organization announced that 40% of the intersections in Qom become smart, noting the pursuit and allocation of funds to expand this issue for the next year.

Head of Transportation and Traffic Organization of Qom Municipality said the process of smartening the intersections of Qom city is being implemented based on the needs and capabilities of the Traffic Organization of Qom Municipality.

Qassem Talebi asserted that intersections in the city that have traffic lights designed periodically and according to the volume of traffic with the participation and cooperation of the traffic police.

In some intersections, the expectations and demands of the people may be different from the current situation there, but this issue has been tested many times for each intersection and the process of examining different situations has been tested, he added.

Talebi reiterated that in some cases, the implementation of citizens’ expectations has increased traffic and led to create more so-called traffic junctions.

He concluded that in next year’s budget, more attention would be paid to both the increase in smart intersections and the issue of software updates, as well.