Municipality News

Qom mayor visits construction projects of municipality

Qom Mayor Dr. Saghaiannejad visited the latest status of construction projects in the Qom metropolis.

Dr. Seyyed Morteza Saghaiannejad together with Halvaizadeh, Deputy Technical and Civil Engineer paid a four-hour visit to the construction projects of Qom city.

The Mayor of Qom visited Phase 5 of Ammar Yaser, Islamic City Council Building, Islamic Republic Tunnel, Namaz Square non-level Intersection, the Shohaday-e Rohanit non-level Intersection, Martyr Ayatollah Hakim Intersection, Central Fire Station, Maarif Amusement Park, Pardisan Cultural and Sports Complex, Administrative Building of Municipality District 8.

On the sidelines of these visits, Deputy Technical and Civil Engineer, Khanehzad Yazdi, head of the Development and Construction Organization, Ali Akbari, the director of District 8, and other city managers presented reports on the progress of construction projects.

Also, Dr. Saghaiannejad emphasized speeding up the implementation of projects and shortening the project operation time.