Municipality News

Qom City Council pledges allegiance to martyrs of Sacred Defence

On the occasion of the beginning of Sacred Defense Week, the members of the Qom Islamic City Council renewed their allegiance to the high ideals of the martyrs and the Islamic Revolution and dusted off the tombs of the martyrs of imposed Iran-Iraq war.

On the first day of the Sacred Defence Week, a group of members of the Islamic City Council attended the mausoleum of  Imamzadeh Ali bin Jafar (AS), while dusting the graves of the martyrs, declared their allegiance to the ideals of the martyrs, Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader.

In this ceremony, members of the Qom Islamic City Council, Narjes Niazmand, Akhavan, Sobhani, Amrollahi, Mollai, and Saberi were among the participants.

Iraq waged a war against Iran more than one and a half years after the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime.