Municipality News

Qom city management eyes reducing social harm

The head of the Islamic City Council of Qom considered paying attention to social problems and harms as one of the special duties of the city council and urban management.

Hossein Eslami stated that despite the variety of the municipality’s activities, from the people’s point of view, these tasks are indiscrete and If one of the tasks is performed incorrectly, the other actions will be affected.

The municipality has always been successful in hardware projects, but unfortunately, the margins of some issues sometimes overshadow the services, he noted.

The councilor went on to stress that hat the existence of social harm obliterates all positive aspects of services.

The social harms, especially the situation of the drug addicts, are enough to be seen in the city, then all the actions taken in the city will be ignored, he added.

According to the head of the Qom Islamic City Council, paying attention to social problems and harm is one of the significant duties of the city council and urban management, to which we pay special attention, he reiterated.

In this way, decisions and actions can be followed with the cooperation of the municipality, he added.

He pointed out that solving problems and social harm can not be solved by several agencies and with a go-alone approach, in this regard, there is a need for cooperation of all agencies in different sectors