Municipality News

Qom City Council stresses Iranian-Islamic urban planning

The head of the Urban Planning and Architecture Commission of the City Council of Qom says the council seriously emphasizes Iranian and Islamic urban planning and architecture, in which the pragmatic research capacity of the Qom Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) can be used.

Ruhollah Amrollahi made the remarks in the 36th official and public session of the Islamic City Council of Qom.

Referring to the slogan of the year and the importance of strengthening and developing the knowledge-based structures, he said, “Despite the recent developments in the country, in the issue of knowledge-based companies with some wrong decisions in some matters, employment in these issues has faced challenges.”

The councilor then hailed the measures of ACECR in the field of urban planning and Iranian-Islamic architecture during recent years.

Considering the scientific capacity and spirit of the ACECR, efforts are being made to take good steps in the two areas of reducing social harm and promoting the Iranian-Islamic lifestyle in the field of urban planning and architecture, he highlighted.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei designated the new Iranian calendar year of 1401 as the year of “Production: Knowledge-Based and Job-Creating.”

In his Nowruz message, the leader called on the government and the nation to work hard to boost knowledge-based production and create new jobs.