Municipality News

Municipality of Qom ready to cooperate with UNDP

The Mayor of Qom expressed readiness for cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Iran, saying we can have interactions in 4 areas including environment, waste, transportation and firefighting.

Dr. Seyyed Morteza Saghaiannejad made the remarks in a meeting with Claudio Providas, UNDP Representative in Iran who traveled to Qom.

The municipality, as urban management, pursues executive and operational issues, and the protection of the environment is our most important concern, the mayor said.

He assessed the familiarity of the municipality with UNDP activities and added, ” Due to the imposed sanctions against Iran, the context and scope of this group’s activities in Iran must be determined in order to provide the necessary information to the parties for bilateral communication.”

The Mayor of Qom then presented a report on the activities of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Iran by the representative of this group.

After the beginning of the sanctions against Iran, it followed its connection with the world through sisterhood between cities and issues such as firefighting, transportation and green space were pursued through Germany, Turkey and Spain, but after the sanctions and outbreak of coronavirus, these connections decreased, he stated.

He concluded that the two problems of coronavirus and sanctions in Iran do not allow many activities, and by recognizing the capabilities of this organization in Iran, we want to use them properly given the new conditions.