The history of Cities’ sisterhood and twinning agreements dates back to more than 100 years ago. Usually, cities with similar historic, scientific and cultural backgrounds are more willing to get closer and share a sisterhood accord.
In one hand, closer relations between cities promote tourism and economic boom, and in another hand, expand cultural interactions and bilateral relations.
Making sisterhood agreement is the responsibility of the municipalities, because this kind of relationship is established between the local people and the city administration, and it is less political.
A sister city relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries. The sisterhood is officially recognized after the cities’ officials from both sides sign off on a sisterhood agreement.
Nowadays, sisterhood is part of urban diplomacy and is implemented within the framework of public diplomacy. It is also designed as means for cultural exchange and a city may have several sisters.
Qom and sisterhood
Following up on Qom city’s sisterhoods and making new ones are on the agenda of Qom Municipality’s International Affairs Department.
Due to the existence of holy and ancient sites, Qom has good potential for sisterhood with pilgrimage and historical cities. Meanwhile, the existence of several scientific centers and seminaries is another potential of the holy city to join a sisterhood.
Qom has already signed some memorandum of understanding with several cities to pursue sisterhood, including the Lebanese Nabatieh.
To Keep Qom’s constant communications with sister cities, preparation of sisterhood protocols has been started in May 2020. This protocol elaborates on method of selecting sister cities. It also provides a road map for making sisterhood agreements and continuing relations based on existing standards and capacity of the holy city. The protocol will be implemented after ratifying by Qom municipality’s authorities.
For more information on conditions of sisterhood accord and other relevant issues, Please contact with department of international affairs via contact page.