Municipality News

The comprehensive cultural plan of Qom Municipality is being compiled

The Deputy of Environment and Urban Services of Qom Municipality said: The comprehensive cultural plan of Qom Municipality is being compiled and all the vice-departments and regions are ready to implement this plan.

He added: One of the most important current actions of Qom Municipality in the field of culture is holding passionate national and religious events.

Pointing out that the allocation of urban land for cultural uses has been an issue that has received more attention in recent years, he added: More than 36,000 meters of land in the city have been allocated to cultural institutions and centers for the construction of mosques, cultural centers, and schools.

Pointing out that 27 cultural missions have been explained in the upstream programs of Qom municipality, the vice president of environment and urban services of Qom municipality said: The comprehensive cultural plan of Qom municipality is being compiled and all the vice offices and regions are ready to implement this plan.