Municipality News

Qom metro main problem is supply of wagons

Today, the main problem of the Qom metro is the supply of wagons, and to solve this problem, we can use the existing wagons at the disposal of other cities, the Deputy Coordinator of Civil Affairs of Qom Governorate said.

Ebrahim Motamedi made the comments at the review meeting of Qom urban projects which was held in the meeting hall of Qom Municipality with the presence of the Minister of Interior.

The Qom metro project has progressed by 94%, he underscored.

Pointing out that two metro stations are complete and the rest are transitory, he said that today the main problem of Qom metro is the supply of wagons, and to solve this problem we can use the existing wagons at the disposal of other cities.

Earlier, The mayor of Qom had stated that the city train is fully prepared and only needs wagons, noting that if 3 train rams are delivered to Qom, we can open 6 km of the city train of Qom before the end of the year.