Municipality News

Over 3,000 Qom Municipality forces on alert during Tasua & Ashura

Qom Municipality’s deputy of environment and urban services announced the readiness of over 3000 forces of the municipality and affiliated organizations within the jihadi plan of flag bearers of serving for Tasua and Ashura.

Mehdi Isfahanian Moghadam made the announcement elaborating on the preparatory measures taken by Qom Municipality.

The Jihadi plan dubbed “Flag Bearers of Serving for Tasua and Ashura” includes the municipality managers and employees, contractors plus sweepers and gardeners, firemen and safety services, staff of prevention and removal of urban violations, taxi drivers, bus drivers in order to provide services to the mourners of Aba Abdullah al-Hussein (AS) on a round-the-clock basis during these days.

He stated that more than 125 permits have been issued for the applicants of complimentary food stations and processions.

He further emphasized the necessity of observing health protocols in the places where votive foods are distributed.

The Deputy of Environment and Urban Services of Qom Municipality went on to say that the prevention of Coronavirus outbreaks is a public task, and the necessary preparations and training in this field have been done by the relevant institutions.

Muharram religious rituals, which culminate in Ashura (literally meaning ten as the battle of Karbala took place on the 10th day of the month), are held annually with special arrangements.