Municipality News

Qom Fire Dep. issues Muharram safety instructions

Qom Municipality’s Fire Department and Safety Services announced the safety guidelines for the month of Muharram.

n the instructions of the Qom Fire Department, the officials of the religious groups have been asked to pay attention to these instructions in order to prevent any possible accident.

Some of the Muharram safety instructions are as follows:

1- The establishment of gathering buildings in all cases should be in such a way that their main entry and exit doors are opened directly to at least one public way.

2- For the gathering place of mourners, an emergency exit must be provided in addition to the main one.

3- For the elderly, children, and women, a place must be provided at the closest point to the safe exit.

4- Exit ways must have enough capacity to evacuate all occupants at the same time.

5- In dense gathering spaces such as shrines, mosques, and prayer halls, 301 to 1,000 exits should be provided for 50 to 300 people and four exits for more than 1,000 people.

6- It is necessary to observe the proper distance of electric wires, connections and electrical appliances from flammable materials and materials such as curtains, carpets, panels, etc.

7- The electric fuse must be standard and the use of reinforced and non-standard fuses should be avoided, and it is forbidden to take multiple branches from one electrical outlet.

8- The use of high voltage electric lamps without bubbles and protection is prohibited